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This is the page I have up to let my clients, and potential clients the services I also offer to families that qualify free of charge. I started photography with one thing always in mind, and that was FAMILY. I wanted to help families make memoreis that last a lifetime, that capture who they are.


I will never compete with other photographers for more profit, I will always try to keep my prices reasonable, I know some can afford my prices, and I know some can't so I offer to those families that can't.


The services and organizations I directly offer my services to are:


NICU family photography at St. Alexius, and Sanford Health here in Bismarck ND. These photos are only shared upon request. I offer to come in as many times as wanted. I also offer one free newborn session when they are released from the NICU to celebrate their journey.


Abused Adult Resource Center, I offer my services to men and women that would like to have family photos as a new start, I do maternity, newborn and family photos. These photos are NEVER shared on any public website of mine to better protect their identities in their times of crisis or need.


PATH and or other Foster Homes/Group Homes. I offer reunion photos of siblings that get to visit while being separated. I also offer senior packages for free for senior students in foster care. These photos also remain completely private and unshared on any of my online portfolios.


I also regularily do giveaways on my Facebook Page Aly Jo's Photography.

If you feel you don't fall under these categories but still feel like you can't quite afford my prices, I am ALWAYS willing to work out payment plans, or lower the costs for you.



Donation amount is $1.00

If you would like to donate more or less please contact me directly. You will be gifted for any donation over $20.

The donations button you see at the top of the page is not profit that goes to me or my business, any donations recieved through the donations account goes directly to help my charitable photo sessions. Since all of these sessions are 100% free, there are still costs that I myself pay out of pocket to keep them going. Any Donation funds I get goes directly to paying for flash drives, photo discs, and high quality photo prints for the families. I will always pay for my travel and time out of pocket those are no big deal to me at all, but with 40 families a month requesting discs and flash drives and photo prints it does tend to get a bit spendy. ANY amount of donation is used strictly for these purposes. I still pay quite a bit out of pocket to make these sessions happen but I enjoy seeing these families light up with excitement when they see their photos. It truly is amazing what a simple photo of a family, or a child is capable of doing. So the donations button is there for those that wish to help in some way, but I will always keep doing my charitable sessions no matter what. Thank you.

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